Category Archives: In the News

Tech news and opinions

Ubuntu 9.10 confirmed as next version due for October

The founder of Ubuntu linux – Mark Shuttleworth – has confirmed that the next release of Ubuntu will be version 9.10. He announced the news on this page, and has said that the release is due in October of this year.

He has named the release the Karmic Koala.

The new release is expected to have plenty of new features as he explains on his detailed announcement page.

If you’ve got a few minutes to spare, have a read through his annoucement page and see what you think. It is quite hefty and detailed so you’ll need a little while to read it all, but it does promising and well worth it.

The announcement can be found here.

Release Candidate for Vista SP2 coming up!

It has been reported that Microsoft have sent a release candidate of Windows Vista Service Pack 2 to a small handful of private testers. It has been said that the private release was sent to users on the 19th of February.

According to a site called Ars Technica, the build number for the release is 6002.16670.090130. The private release has also been sent out to some Windows Server 2008 users.

Hopefully this means that a release candidate for SP2 will be released publicly soon. It would be nice to see it as I’ve had Vista SP2 beta on my laptop for quite a while now and it has worked fine.

I’ll update you as soon as I can find a release.

Microsoft offering $250,000 to person who catches worm creator

Microsoft has said it will offer $250,000 to the person who finds the creator of the Downadup/Conficker virus.

The worm has infected millions of computers accross the world since it was first discovered in October 2008. Microsoft has viewed the worm as a criminal attack and has said that anyone who discovers the creator will be offered a cash sum.

Microsoft has said that they do not want to let this behaviour go unknown and will try very hard to get the creator arrested.

The Conficker worm is a self replicating program that seems to take advantage of any computer that does not have the latest security updates installed and running.

It doesn’t spread over network connections, but sometimes over USB sticks and other storage. It guesses usernames and passwords and attempts to breach security. It can potentially steal private data and take control of computers.

It has been predicted that a total of around 12 million computers could be affected by the worm, and it is still searching the net for unprotected PC’s. For goodness sake, make sure your computer is always using the latest security patches from Microsoft.

(On a site updates footnote, I would like to apologise for the downtime that occured on Friday 13th – yes, that day – the dreaded DDOS attacks got hold of my server, but I hope this won’t happen again.)

WordPress 2.7.1 released… swatting the bugs!

Good old WordPress 2.7.1 was released yesterday by WordPress. There isn’t really very much to it – just a few bug fixes really.

In any case, you should definately upgrade to it. If you’ve got WordPress 2.7 already, you can just use the automatic upgrade feature. If you’d prefer not to, just do the usual thing of overwriting files on your current install from the download on the WordPress website.

OLED will bring even thinner TVs!

Sony are now demoing the new kid on the block in the TV department – OLED. OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode, and is a new technology that might open up a brand new era in television.

This new technology means that the TV picture is naturally much brighter, so you don’t need a backlight on the TV. This not only saves a large amount of electricity, but means that TV’s can be so much thinner!

They aren’t cheap though – and the majority of people won’t be able to afford them for a little while yet (especially in the financial crisis at the moment), but maybe in a year or so they’ll be a bit cheaper and affordable.

For me though, I’m looking forward to OLED TV’s in laptops – I mean imagine how much it would improve battery life! We’ve got a lot to look forward to!