Category Archives: Software

Category containing all information relating to software.

Ever heard of a wireless home webcam?

Have you ever heard of a wireless webcam for use in the home? No, not one of those spy cameras; I mean just a normal IM webcam for video conversations? Well, if you have a PSP (or a custom firmware one) and a PSP Go!Cam, you may already have one.

A piece of software has been released meaning that the PSP system can use the Go!Cam to send a number of photos over a local wifi connection every second, in theory meaning it is a webcam. It can be used with Windows Live Messenger and Skype.

Sadly, I doubt it is actually legal as it relies on custom firmware, which Sony doesn’t approve of, so I am not going to post a link to it. However, it does show that Sony should really be doing this on the PSP. Why can’t Sony make the PSP work as a webcam – it would be very cool.

If you are a PSP owner, you’ve probably noticed that Sony have been neglecting us slightly in terms of PSP firmware updates. Come on Sony, do something about it!

Internet Explorer 8 Final Version Released

Microsoft has finally launched the final version of the new Internet Explorer 8. It’s available for download now –

Personally I doubt it will be anything good to look forward to. Microsoft are making some claims that it is faster and easier to use than Google Chrome, but I really doubt it’s true. There’s nothing faster than Chrome (especially in start time) in my opinion.

In any matter, I’ll go and download it as it’ll probably be forced onto my computer with Windows Update in a few weeks time. Might as well get it over and done with :-).

New Google Chrome Beta – get it while it’s hot!

Google has now announced a new Google Chrome beta which has been named version You can get it from

And I’ve downloaded it, installed it, and am writing this post in it now.

There’s still no RSS support, but I’m sure it is coming. They also haven’t fixed my download issue next, but I might get in touch with Google to see if I can get them to fix this bug.

However, there is a nice new feature is that you can now place Google Chrome windows beside and above each other in a Windows 7 style way.


New Google Chrome

It means you can organise Chrome windows all over the place, so it could come in handy.

There are a number of new feautures, but try it for yourself to see what you think.

How many browser toolbars do you have?

Being the sad person I am, I always think every time I look at someones computer is how many toolbars do you have in your internet browser?

Personally, I’m not a fan of web toolbars. I’ve never seemed to understand why you need them? Every one I see on the internet is either some way to get ads to you or just an almost pointless shortcut in my opinion.

Admittedly, there are a few toolbars that are sort of handy. But the ones that just drive me mad are ones like the “smiley” ones that allow you to install “smilies” into IM software such as Windows Live Messenger. All they do is fill up your computer with spyware rubbish that is utterly pointless and just ends up wasting my time.

I’m very proud to say that in all 3 webbrowsers I have installed on my laptop (Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome) you won’t find a single toolbar installed. Not one (others than the built in ones, obviously).

Are you a toolbar addict (is there such a thing)? Do you feel the need for toolbars? Why do you use them?

Two things I really want sorted in Chrome

I love Chrome, it’s a fantastic browser that’s super-quick and very reliable. However, there are two things I really want Google to fix.

1. RSS: Why doesn’t Google Chrome support RSS? It seems a little dim, but can prove really annoying after a little while. Firefox shows an icon when an RSS feed is available on a website (see below) and even has a built in feed subscriber (see below), but Chrome has neither. Google need to sort this in my opinion. 

windowclippings_1c6f2f5f2b6442b6afb74ed86e013abd1Above: Firefox

ChromeAbove: Chrome

2. Downloads: I have a real issue with Chrome when you download something. When I download a file, I often ask it to download and then get into the habit of closing the web browser and forgetting something was downloading. In Firefox, this is no problem as a ‘Downloads’ window appears when you download a file and if you close the browser window by mistake, the file continues to download. However, in Chrome downloads run more internally and it doesn’t have a separate window for downloads. So if you close the browser, Chrome cancels the download! No problem if the file is 1MB or something as small as that, but if you’re in the middle of a 100MB file this is a pain. Even Internet Explorer (dare I say it) handles downloads better than Chrome. 

Those are my two rants with Chrome. Google, fix the RSS and the downloads. The problems aren’t big enough to put me off (Chrome is still my default browser) but they do get really annoying after a while. If Google would fix this in a later version, it would definately be to my benefit, and to many others.