Spotify on iPhone/iPod Touch will be awesome!

I was reading through the Spotify blog today being a big user of Spotify, and I noticed that Spotify had uploaded a video to Youtube explaining what Spotify will do. It looks very good…

Looks like it’ll only be available for premium users but that is not big deal – premium is well worth it.

Ah well, I guess we’ll have to wait and see if Apple accepts the app. My predictions are that they wont accept it because, as far as I know, it doesn’t even link tracks to iTunes. But we’ll see.

Sony announces 2TB Memory Stick XC

Sony, a worldwide leader in technology (best known for the PlayStation format and common consumer electronics) has announced upcoming production of a 2 terabyte memory stick, dubbed part of the “Memory Stick XC” range.

It will be the same shape and size as the current “Memory Stick Pro” format, so perhaps there may be some backward compatibility meaning that PSP and Sony digital camera users could be in for a big boost on memory. GEEK! can’t find a lot of information regarding backward compatibility but it would be nice (although who would need 2 terabytes of storage on their PSP?).

Not a lot of word on pricing yet but word on the internet is that we might see it available in the next few years.

It looks good – but why would I want a memory stick that has several times the capacity of my hard drive? I mean the idea sounds pretty awesome, but honestly – is there a limit to how much storage we need (or can afford)? My concern would be that Sony might be “biting off a bit more than they can chew”, if you get my drift – I don’t see who is going to want to shed out hundreds (more likely thousands) of pounds on a memory stick.

In the mean time, it looks like Sony is going to concentrate on slowly increasing the capacity of the Memory Stick range. We already have 16GB and 32GB memory sticks, so maybe in the short term we will begin to see 64GB and 128GB. This will mean that Sony can slowly start to reach that maximum capacity of 2TB.

[FIX] WordPress Automatic Upgrade woes – “Installation Failed”

WordPress is brilliant, undoubtedly, but there are some things that really drive me insane.

Ever since WordPress 2.8.1 was released, I haven’t been able to use the automatic upgrade feature in WordPress because it simply does not work. This problem has been identified by many other WordPress users, but I know that not everyone has the problem.

Here’s what I mean – every time I try to upgrade WordPress the following problem arises:

Wordpress auto upgrade

It is as simple as that. No error messages, no PHP warnings, just “Installation Failed”.

I’ve been searching everywhere for a fix but I can’t find one anywhere. It’s beginning to really annoy me now. I’ve just ignored it for a while and upgraded WordPress manually – but it really drives me mad having to take down GEEK! and then put it back up.

Has anyone found a fix for this problem?

Update 13.9.09: A big thanks to “lujcas”, who has posted a comment with a fix to this problem. I’ve tested it and it seemed to work for me. To make it easier for everyone, I’ve uploaded the file he added to the GEEK! download server, so you can download a copy here. You just need to unzip the file and place it in the wp-includes directory on your WordPress install and overwrite any previous file.

What’s the point in jailbreaking an iPhone/iPod Touch?

It’s a little confusing really. I know that so many people love the advantages of jailbreaking an iPhone or iPod Touch, but I just don’t see them.

I experimentally tried jailbreaking my iPod Touch yesterday (yes, I am totally ashamed of myself – I will shortly be returning to official firmware), and it amazes me that Apple makes it so easy to jailbreak their devices. I mean there’s a simple procedure that takes about 45 seconds and that’s it, the patch is done.

It’s totally different to Sony – PSP users will know that Sony can’t help it but patch out every single hack and crack into the PSP firmware. Apple seem to be taking it very lightly.

It also makes me think what is the point? Yes, you can customize the iPhone/iPod Touch’s themes but it is such a faff – and none of them are particularly brilliant. And yes, you can install some random software, but honestly… I don’t see what is so fantastic about it.

And the amount of times that my iPod Touch has crashed since I jailbroke it. It hardly seems like there’s any point in it at all.

I know I’m often quite an “Apple basher” here on GEEK!, but this is the one thing that I like about Apple. Their firmware always works – it doesn’t crash and it isn’t slow. I can rely on my iPod Touch anytime I need it and I know it will be ready and waiting. I’m quite happy with my official firmware Apple for the long term.