iTunes 8.2 released to public!

iTunes 8.2 will now be available on Apple Software Update.

The update adds compatibility for the upcoming iPhone/iPod Touch 3.0 software update, and apparently also adds “many accessibility improvements” according to Apple.

Apple iTunes 8.2 has been in discussion for quite some time since it was dispatched to iPhone 3.0 OS beta testers over the course of the last month.

Unless you have an iPod Touch or iPhone, I don’t think there is any rush to get hold of this update. Even if you do, the latest iPhone/iPod Touch OS release date hasn’t even been confirmed yet. Apparently, Apple are going to confirm the new OS release date at the Worldwide Developers Conference next week.

New PSP Go on the way

In case you haven’t already heard, images of the new PSP Go have been released by Sony, shortly before the big E3 event in the coming days.


Personally, I think it looks fantastic.

The screen is slightly smaller, but the new design certainly makes up for this in my opinion.

One big thing that seems to be surprising previous PSP owners is that Sony have scrapped the UMD drive and placed a 16GB flash drive in it instead. The Memory Stick Pro slot has also been replaced by a Memory Stick Micro.

There will be plenty more news when the E3 event begins, so stay tuned!

VirtuaWin – Run multiple desktops on one system

Ever had that problem when you’ve got loads of programs open at one time – so many that you can’t remember which one you need to be using?

Here’s a solution – its called VirtuaWin. It means you can basically have more than one desktop running at one time. It’s actually very similar to a system in Linux which allows you to run multiple desktops, but it looks like somebody wanted to have this ability in Windows.

Anyway, it runs on most versions of Windows (although its a little bit buggy in Windows 7 at this time – the site doesn’t claim it works in Windows 7 anyway) and installation is very simple.

Once you’ve got it set up, it’ll start you off with four desktops. If you want more than that you simply double click the icon in the notification area (a green window like icon with one yellow square). and play with the desktop configuration (see here).

To switch desktops, you can simply use the hotkeys automatically assigned by the program. Use the Winkey (windows logo key on your keyboard) and whatever letter that corresponds. For example, to go to the desktop on the left, simply do Winkey + L. For right, Winkey + R. To go down a dekstop its Winkey + D, and to go up a desktop its Winkey + U. You can customize these hotkeys in the configuration (see here).

It’s actually a very handy program if you use lots of programs at one time. Once you’ve used it, you’ll see why it is so useful.

If you’d like to try it, you can get it free from the official VirtuaWin sourceforge page.

Microsoft confirms no three program limit in Windows 7

If you remember, in previous versions of Windows Starter, there was always a three program limit. Well, saying that, I never actually saw any of the Windows Starter versions. Anyway, the limiter meant that in Windows Starter (Windows XP Starter and Windows Vista Starter) you couldn’t run more than three programs at one time. That didn’t include background processes such as antivirus software, just programs like Microsoft Word or Internet Explorer for example.

Well, if you’re thinking of starting off with Windows 7 Starter (I honestly can’t see why you would – why not just go with Windows 7 Basic?), you’ll be pleased to know that Microsoft has confirmed that there will be no three program limit. Of course, there will be plenty of other limitations to drive you insane (such as the lack of Aero, DVD playback, and the ability to change the desktop background – to mention just a few), but if you really are that desperate to get Windows 7 Starter rather than Basic or Home Premium, I guess it is something to be happy about.

I personally will definately be getting Windows 7 Home Premium. I am looking forward to hear how much of a hole it will burn in my pocket, though, as there are rumours going round that it’s going to be a bit more expensive than previous versions of Windows (as mentioned in one of my previous posts). Microsoft will soon be releasing the pricing for Windows 7, so that’ll be interesting. GEEK! will of course post as soon as the pricing is released.

180,000 pirates sail the seas for The Sims 3… in just 3 days!

Electronic Arts aren’t going to be in the best frame of mind at the moment.

The Register today posted that according to P2P download counting firm, BigChampagne (yes, I’m a little confused about the name too), The Sims 3 has been downloaded 180,000 times in just 3 days (May 18th-May 21st) by means of file sharing sites.

Now I’ve just been doing a few little calculations here. Say every single one of those 180,000 people bought a copy of The Sims 3 legally, and each copy cost £39.99. The total cost of those 180,000 copies comes to £7,198,200. That means that EA has lost just over £7 million in just 3 days.

It does make you wonder a little bit about how bad piracy is.

And then you have to think about who uploaded the file in the first place. Somebody has to – it doesn’t just magically appear. It would have had to have been someone related to EA in some way. The general public can’t get copies of The Sims 3 until June 5th, so something has gone wrong there.

As I have mentioned many times on GEEK!, I don’t like to get involved with piracy. I will certainly be getting my copy of The Sims 3 legally – besides I want a physical copy of the disc and box (I’m that kinda sad guy who likes to have the original box and discs – I still have my Sims Deluxe Edition and Sims 2 discs in their original box).

If you are going to wait for the legal copy, then its in stores on June 5th.