3 (Three/Hutchison 3G) UK Mobile Pay as you Go – Full and thorough review!

I’ve been with 3 (Three) for just under 6 months, so I feel it’s about time I do a full review. There’s much argument on the internet as to whether 3 is really a good company or whether it isn’t to be used. I have summed up most of the features available on 3 and how well they compare to other mobile operators in the UK.

Bare in mind, this review is based on pay as you go usage, but some categories (such as Coverage) apply to both PAYG and Pay Monthly.

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Review: D-Link DSL-2640B ADSL2+ Wireless Router – A brilliant budget buy!

I hate the supplied Tiscali router. It sucks. Port forwarding is stupid, there’s no DynDNS support, and overall it’s just a cheap piece of crud.

So, I decided to go and buy a new one. I needed to ideally stick to a budget of around £50, so I had a search around.

It wasn’t easy to find a router for under £50. I found out that routers are much more expensive than you think. I was rather surprised to be honest. If I’d have upped my budget  to £60 I would have probably found the task much easier – and I was thinking of doing so, until I found this.

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Mobile Internet on 3 (Three) Mobile – Price Guide & what you get for your money

I’ve been on Three for quite a while now, and have done a range of posts about them – good and bad. Anyway, I have decided that since Three don’t tell you how much data usage you get for buying Internet Addons on Three, I would ring them up and post it up for the benefit of readers. This is not usage information for the separate USB modem mobile broadband – this is for general Internet addons with Three. I believe this only applies to pay as you go customers, as pay monthly customers have to add an internet bundle to their monthly bill.

Anyway, according to Three’s customer service, the current usage allowances are as follows:

Internet Daily: 120MB allowance to be used in one day.

Internet Weekly: 500MB allowance to be used in one week.

Internet Monthly: 2000MB (2GB) allowance to be used in one month.

At the time of writing, the only way you can find out your current internet usage on an addon is to ring up Three’s customer service on 333 free from a Three mobile (pressing 3 on keypad when you get through, and then 2 to speak to an advisor), and they will quote you if you ask them.

You cannot check your usage on My3 as it will just say ‘Fair Usage’ which really annoys me with companies, as it doesn’t tell you anything.

Anyway, that should solve any queries and save you having to ring them up.

Windows 7 Release Candidate now set for May according to Microsoft

There is news spreading on the internet that a div at Microsoft has published (supposedly by mistake) on the Microsoft site that the Windows 7 release candidate was due in May 2009, which has blown some people’s ideas that the RC would be available in April.

Are we to suspect that Microsoft is falling behind schedule? It’s not like Microsoft has fallen behind before – remember what happened for Windows Vista. Remember how late that was?

We’ll have to see what happens to the release candidate. It begs the question will the final release be delayed. Microsoft has been constantly reminding us that they want Windows 7 out by January ’10 at the very latest, but we all know what they are like.

Oh and by the way, I would like to apologise for the slight lack of posts lately – I’ve been doing websites for a few people and GEEK! fell a little behind. Don’t worry, the websites are now finished and I can concentrate on GEEK! again 🙂

I’ve got a really nice budget ADSL2+ router coming in for review in the next couple of days, so stay tuned.

Ever heard of a wireless home webcam?

Have you ever heard of a wireless webcam for use in the home? No, not one of those spy cameras; I mean just a normal IM webcam for video conversations? Well, if you have a PSP (or a custom firmware one) and a PSP Go!Cam, you may already have one.

A piece of software has been released meaning that the PSP system can use the Go!Cam to send a number of photos over a local wifi connection every second, in theory meaning it is a webcam. It can be used with Windows Live Messenger and Skype.

Sadly, I doubt it is actually legal as it relies on custom firmware, which Sony doesn’t approve of, so I am not going to post a link to it. However, it does show that Sony should really be doing this on the PSP. Why can’t Sony make the PSP work as a webcam – it would be very cool.

If you are a PSP owner, you’ve probably noticed that Sony have been neglecting us slightly in terms of PSP firmware updates. Come on Sony, do something about it!