Can you run a normal website using WordPress?

Since, over the last few months, I have become a massive fan of the well-known blogging platform WordPress, it begs the question could you run a normal website using WordPress?

Well, I am quite confident in saying yes. I am now designing and setting up websites for a small range of people, and with all of them I’ve set them up using WordPress.

WordPress was originally designed as a platform for blogging. It is used by millions at, and you can also run it on your own site by installing the package at

I love using WordPress with GEEK!. I have used it even since it was launched back in September 2008. It’s a great platform that not only blogs well, but has really neat features and great expansion capabilities.

And I believe that WordPress can be used for websites and not just blogs. Frankly, it beats many web design software packages available, both free and paid. The community that has accumulated with WordPress is also unbelievable. People are now producing fantastic plugins and themes that can be used for free on any site. Even the theme that I use on GEEK! is used with thanks to the people at who produced the fantastic ‘Freshy 2’ theme.

So, if you are thinking of building a website any time soon, take a look at WordPress. It is quite obviously designed for blogs, but if you’ve got the time to play around with it a bit, you can get a perfectly good website going in a few hours. In my opinion, it’s better than any freeware or commercial product around.

Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Release Candidate now available to Technet and MSDN

Today Microsoft announced the release of the Release Candidate for Windows Vista Service Pack 2 to MSDN and Technet customers. They have also said that a public release of the RC will available in the “very near future”. Today also brought a RC of Windows Server 2008 to Technet and MSDN.

According the Windows Team Blog, Microsoft are planning to launch Service Pack 2 in the second quarter of 2009, which is good news.

So I guess we will just have to wait and see over the next few days for a public release of the RC for both Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

Ofcourse, you will be informed on GEEK! as soon as it’s released publicly.

EI System 1201 with 2GB RAM – Tested and confirmed

Well after my post I did a little while back, I decided I would pluck up the courage and actually go and buy a 2GB RAM chip for my laptop.  It arrived today (special delivery from Crucial) and I just got it fitted. Guess what? Works an absolute dream! Vista is so much faster and usable!! Absolutely love it. Would recommend any day!

So for those who are interested, this is what I bought: 2GB PC-5300 DDR2 200pin SODIMM. Make sure you get the 2GB chip and not the 2x1GB kit as the laptop does only have one slot.

Once its fitted, fire up the laptop and see how quickly it boots. It doesn’t boot quickly first time as it works out it’s had a hardware boost, but once you’ve booted it for the first time shut it down and boot it again. With any hope, it will be much quicker.

So, there you go, for the people who were wondering, you can run an EI System 1201 with 2GB RAM. Sorted.

Ubuntu 9.10 confirmed as next version due for October

The founder of Ubuntu linux – Mark Shuttleworth – has confirmed that the next release of Ubuntu will be version 9.10. He announced the news on this page, and has said that the release is due in October of this year.

He has named the release the Karmic Koala.

The new release is expected to have plenty of new features as he explains on his detailed announcement page.

If you’ve got a few minutes to spare, have a read through his annoucement page and see what you think. It is quite hefty and detailed so you’ll need a little while to read it all, but it does promising and well worth it.

The announcement can be found here.

SiS’s lack of driver updates is becoming frustrating

It’s not like it’s a huge issue, but the lack of driver updates from SiS (Silicon Integrated Systems) is becoming a little annoying. I have a SiS M672MX graphics chipset in my laptop which hasn’t been updated by SiS in nearly 6 months, which I find a little bit of a pain. I mean, the card works fine and I have no problems with it in XP or Vista, but don’t you think I would at least here some news or something for SiS?

My main PC uses an ATI Radeon card, and I almost can’t keep up with the updates that ATI release for the card. They seem to release a new driver once a month (sometimes even more often) which is more than enough.

I’m not sure whether to think that there are no updates for the chipset because it just doesn’t need them or because SiS can’t be bothered to update it.

And it’s not just my card that isn’t being updated. In fact, (at the time of writing) the last update issued was on the 2nd of October 2008. I’m not complaining, but it just makes me feel a little neglected. SiS seem to rarely ever update their website, and it just gets to the point where its just a teeny bit annoying.

I might get in contact with SiS and find out some sort of reasoning as to why there’s been very little news from SiS.