Tag Archives: free

Lyricsplugin for Windows Media Player

I discovered this a few weeks ago but have found it extremely useful so I thought I would share it.

Lyricsplugin is a plugin for Windows Media Player that displays lyrics for a song while your playing in the main Now Playing window.


Lyricsplugin Image

Lyricsplugin Image

It’s one of those ‘set and forget’ type of programs. You just install it, activate it, and let it show you all the lyrics to your favourite songs.

You can even add lyrics for songs manually it doesn’t recognise in its huge directory as well as configure the plugin to your liking.

It also is available for Winamp if that’s what you use.

I definately recommend you get this, head over to www.lyricsplugin.com and get it for free.

Is internet TV livable?

Well, after the BBC announced a couple of weeks back that they are to stream BBC1 and BBC2 starting in the next few days, it made me think – could I live with internet TV over conventional TV?

Of course, you still need a TV license to watch live TV; no matter whether its over a transmitter or an internet connection. So its no way of a couple of hundred pounds (don’t get excited). You can watch iPlayer and other on demand services without a license since they are not live, and as long as you don’t have a TV in your house, you are OK. 

But I mean internet does seem to be becoming a little more practical now. We can get a huge proportion of the channels on Freeview over the internet now, and if you are one person in a house and you can cope with watching TV on a monitor, then it might save the cost of a TV and the channels to go with it.

As far as I know, you can get BBC1 and BBC 2 (in the next few days), BBC3, BBC4, ITV 1, 2, and 3, and a few other channels online. And I suspect a huge range of other broadcasters will start online soon. 

As long as you have enough bandwidth in your broadband, you might find it very useful to have TV online, and I think it should be something to look forward to.

What do you think about it?

Free .co.uk for one year with OVH (UK Only) [EXPIRED]

If you’re in the UK, I’ve got the perfect treat for you.

Head over to www.ovh.co.uk and they’ll give you as many .co.uk’s you like for one year for nothing whatsoever. No surveys to fill in, no “points” to collect, nothing.

It’ll be registered in you’re name, you’ll get a free Nominet registration, the right to change the DNS servers to whatever you like (if you want a good host, I suggest NovaHost) and everything else you’d expect.

Go get one. Something for nothing – that’s what I like hear on GEEK!

There’s no limit on how many you get, as long as you stick to their terms (same as any old terms).

Just make sure you’re in the UK and have a UK mobile number that they can text you with for verification (no cost on text).

The company I believe is actually French but has UK headqaurters.

17.5.09: I believe this offer no longer exists after checking the site. OVH is no longer advertising the offer. If you have already registered a domain with them, you will not loose it, however you will have to pay to extend it at the end of the free year.

Do you use Last.fm?

I only recently discovered the point in having an account with Last.fm. Before then, I only used it for the odd song I wanted to listen to online. 

But I see why its so good to sign up to now. Basically, when you sign up you get your own page where you can put up a whole load of statistics on what music you like, how much you listen to it, make playlists and “love” songs. It’s really good for anyone who listens to a lot of music.

You may have noticed the widgets I have added to the GEEK! sidebar. They are from last.fm and the top one shows what I have recently listened to to, and the bottom one shows what artists I like.

You can easily install the program that Last.fm provide, which will monitor all the music you are listening to, and what you’ve listened to in the past. It support Windows Media Player, iTunes, and I think Winamp as well as a couple of other music players. You can have the program upload the artists you listen to from one of the players you use, straight to your page.

It’s a great site for any music lover, and it is FREE. I do wish you could add it via FTP to your own domain, that would be awesome, but for now its good anyway.

I will be adding it to the Resources page (soon to be renamed).