Tag Archives: new

Update on the faulty Freecom drive

After my complaints to Freecom regarding their poorly manufactured Network Drive they finally got back to me today to tell me that they would be sending me a brand new drive – thank god.

They will send me a postage label which I can attach to the box and return to them, and then they will send me a new one. 

To be fair their customer service lines were pretty good and the corresponding emails were quick and easy to understand so +1 on that note.

It’s just sad that I was the one who got the bad drive.

Ah well, I’ll update again when the new drive arrives.

New look WordPress on the way!

If you use WordPress for your blog or website, you might be interested to know that WordPress 2.7 is on the way and one of its highlights is a brand new design. 


Wordpress 2.7

Wordpress 2.7



Here on GEEK! WordPress is used, its a fantastic blogging program that, while a little complicated to install (if you don’t have Fantastico on the server), is very easy to maintain and is very stable.

You can also get Plugins for it that can add a huge variety of features, or make your own. 

If you want to get the current version of WordPress (v2.6.2) head over to www.wordpress.org or for more information on the new upcoming WordPress go to http://wordpress.org/development/

Ubuntu 8.10 to come soon, beta out now.


Doing a general internet browse, I have seen on the Ubuntu site that 8.10 is on the way. If you’re a Ubuntu Linux user, you may want to have a look at the beta which (according to their site) has a number of updates.

Take a look and report back on it.

(I am not an avid Linux user so probably wont try this myself, but if you want to try it out, why not leave a comment so other people can read your opinion.)

Have you got your copy of OpenOffice 3?

Now I know I use Microsoft as my primary office software, and probably always will, but when OpenOffice 3 was released I had to get my hands on a copy.

So, despite the massive problems OpenOffice have been having with their site (huge traffic), I managed to get my download of the 150MB file. 

Well its installed fine, and I opened it up, and the new interface is fantastic! It’s brought Open Office in to 2008 rather than 2000! There are several new features that have also been added, including docx support and other important features.

Grab a copy at OpenOffice.org (They are currently having problems with server overload at the time of writing – you may not get the full download first time).

Is Skype 4 Beta 2 any good?

I’ve tried it myself and have been using it for about a week now, and overall its a big improvement on the first beta. Heres a quick video from the Skype staff on the new features:

So there you have it from the staff. The most useful features I have found is the new compact view which makes it much better for anyone who is used to the older versions of Skype, because it makes Skype much easier to use when you are doing a lot at one time on the computer.

The new alerts system is much better. In beta 1 I had issues that I’d open up Skype and notice I’d missed a message from someone a day back which is a newsense. Now the new notification system will leave plenty of ways to tell me I’ve got a new message.

Overall, much better, and hopefully the next release from Skype will be the final version which I look forward to. 

Grab a copy at http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/windows/beta/ and try it for yourself, but beware there are still a few bugs and a few call drops/program freezes, so if you want to be on the safe side stick with Skype 3.8.