Tag Archives: version

Backup text messages from Nokia phone with [old version] PC Suite

In the old versions of Nokia PC Suite, I used to love the fact that you could back up old text messages stored on your phone to a CSV file for future reference. As sad as that might be, it can be extremely useful.

However, in the new Ovi Suite, Nokia seemed to remove that functionality – which I happen to think is a real shame. They just seemed to totally remove the function – so it now seems impossible to back up texts to anything other than Nokia’s own (useless) backup file.

Luckily, I have an old version of Nokia PC Suite stored on my network server, which has helped me back up texts from my Nokia 5230. I’ve got a download link below – but please read the following before use:

  • Whilst I’ve taken every precaution to make sure nothing harmful is in the file (virus/malware scanned – 100% clean), I can accept no responsibility for damage to your computer or your mobile. You use old versions of software at your own risk.
  • This won’t work with newer phones (or at least I don’t think I will). I know this version supports phones such the Nokia 5230 and 5800, but I’m not sure if it supports phones newer than that. My guess is that it will work with any phone pre mid-2009.
  • If you find a phone that does work with the software, please post a comment for the benefit of others. Thanks 🙂
  • It is not recommended that you install this alongside any version of Ovi Suite. I would recommend installing this in a virtual machine, or on a clean(ish) copy of Windows.

To grab the download, click the link below. It’s provided by FileServe – simply click Free Download.

File name: Nokia_PC_Suite_63_en.exe – DOWNLOAD (link temporarily removed)
File size: 21.23 MB

Let me know if you have any success.

Chrome 5.0 brings host of new features

Google today released their latest version of the growing web browser, Chrome. The new version includes a large range of new features.

I’m very pleased to know that Chrome now synchronises browser settings, as well as bookmarks, to the syncing server. This means that when you use Chrome on multiple computers, you take your whole browser with you. Nice touch.

There’s also a really nice selection of HTML functions – including drag and drop (ie you can drag your Gmail attachments to your Documents folder).

In addition, great news for Mac and Linux users – Chrome 5.0 is a stable version! It’s about time!

Oh and finally, Google have set that from the next release of Adobe Flash (10.1), they are planning to automatically include a full compatible version of Flash with Chrome every time it is installed. That way, if you don’t already have it, Google will automatically install it for you when you install Chrome.

Head to google.com/chrome for the new version, or upgrade automatically from your browser!

BBC [finally] updates iPlayer download software!

At last, the BBC have finally updated the iPlayer download software. I just couldn’t stand the Java (? – I think it was Java – correct me if I’m wrong), but the BBC have totally rewritten and redesigned the software with Adobe Air.

Big improvement. It’s much easier to use, it’s quicker, plus it works much better overall.


On top of that, the BBC has added download support for Google Chrome you can download programmes from Chrome.

So if you use iPlayer a lot, this is a very handy update. Head over to bbc.co.uk/iplayer to see what the fuss is about.

Internet Explorer 8 Final Version Released

Microsoft has finally launched the final version of the new Internet Explorer 8. It’s available for download now – http://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/worldwide-sites.aspx.

Personally I doubt it will be anything good to look forward to. Microsoft are making some claims that it is faster and easier to use than Google Chrome, but I really doubt it’s true. There’s nothing faster than Chrome (especially in start time) in my opinion.

In any matter, I’ll go and download it as it’ll probably be forced onto my computer with Windows Update in a few weeks time. Might as well get it over and done with :-).

Ubuntu 9.10 confirmed as next version due for October

The founder of Ubuntu linux – Mark Shuttleworth – has confirmed that the next release of Ubuntu will be version 9.10. He announced the news on this page, and has said that the release is due in October of this year.

He has named the release the Karmic Koala.

The new release is expected to have plenty of new features as he explains on his detailed announcement page.

If you’ve got a few minutes to spare, have a read through his annoucement page and see what you think. It is quite hefty and detailed so you’ll need a little while to read it all, but it does promising and well worth it.

The announcement can be found here.